Where is Team Lazer now? What are they doing? How did they handle two months off? And where do we go from here?
These are all questions I know a lot of you are asking. So much has changed for the world the last few months and finding a way to keep a normal while still pivoting to a new way of life has proven to be hard but we are finding our groove.
We are prepping for a new year, being intentional with our lesson planning, specific with our goals and striving for excellence. This season already looks so different for us but it also looks promising in a way I haven’t seen in a long time. Ive noticed such a shift in the culture and the atmosphere of our team as we have come back into the gym and started setting our eyes on next season (whatever that may look like). Ever heard the saying “Distance makes the heart grow fonder?” I think this was absolutely the case with our teams relationship with their sport when they were deprived of it for over two months! Ive never seen them more on fire. Putting in the work. Each of them. Allie Lyons is laser focused compared to last year. Morgan Wright has just blossomed into a power house. Dawson's kip has improved so much in three weeks that if I didn’t know better I would say it was a different kid swinging bars. I could keep going. I could go on and on about each of them and how they have stepped up in a whole new way. We have new skills, new attitudes and new passion! Abi Yaws has blown me away with her talent in the last few weeks, Jaci has gotten new skills and Hailey is CLEAN. So. much. progress.
Having time off was both equally challenging and eye opening from a coaching perspective. It is so standard in our industry to be year round and never take time off. There has always been a notion that more than about two weeks off will result in loss in skills. I was worried. About progress, about attitude, about their habits at home, about their mental state being stuck at home in their house and how that would effect their return to gymnastics. What I learned though was remarkable. The forced closure made me get creative. We did weekly zoom classes that required me to think outside of the box with activities they could do at home. I had to consider what it would look like when we returned and figure out a way to find a new normal while still keeping the bones of the program the same. From the perspective of the athletes I think the time off did wonders. It gave their bodies time to heal from such a difficult sport. It gave their minds time to recover from a long hard season. Oddly enough, It made them… better.
Im still not sure what our new normal will look like, how our competitions will look, or how God is going to show off for us to keep our gym home alive…but i’ve never been more sure that this is exactly where we are supposed to be and these kids are exactly who they are supposed to be. That they are the perfect group to inspire me and the rest of the gym. That they are the best group of kids to love each other through one of the scariest times they have probably ever faced. They are the heart of our gym and they are beating strong and ready to move forward with whatever this year has in store for them. One thing is for sure. Team Lazer is coming for 2021.
Coach Pam